Monday, May 30, 2022

Joshua Rivkin





A man tries to trade his guitar for a city bus.  
My pick for your passengers. Six strings for sixteen wheels. 

A bride on her wedding day exchanges her love 
for bright weather, a groom exchanges his hands for hers. 

A father offers to trade his family for a hotel’s worth of sleep.  
A sailor offers the Pacific for a hotel’s worth of sex. 

Tonight, the shirt from my back, my singing mouth
my endless praise for your skin or company. 

I’ll give you my stethoscope for a red barn: a doctor.  
I’ll give you my right arm for your left: his patient. 

It’s the inequality of pain a sleepless woman wants 
to give away. Here, take mine, she offers to freight trains 

whistling their replies through the city’s poorest wards: 
Jealousy gets you jealousy. Rage gets you rage. 

“What wouldn’t you offer?” a man asks the pawnshop window.
“What wouldn’t you take?” replies the glass.


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Anne Carson

No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...