Sunday, June 19, 2022

Anselm Berrigan

Portrait Of Anselm Berrigan

               photograph by Chris Felver (2000)

Jim Brodey


Fire escape slashes feet dude

But thanks for the intro to nudie

Mags & staying all day sitting


To be pointed in the direction

Of acid nail-biting and told to go

& to go, sad, away from the repeating 


Myth straight to someone else's 

Typewriter commanding you to get

It together and type up your hundreds


Of poems, argh. Who cares? Endless

Shrimp, for one. "The truth" that only

The disapproving understand so well


They can't begin to convey how hard

It is to be difficult around the appropriate

Children cook you broccoli though


And if scared at rented silence and big

Trash bags of blues tapes, defend that

Let me be after you're dead plus fuck


You plus I don't fucking electric lights

Scraping knowledge off the sky and love

It's toxic residue, bad skin, pork marriage


Who'll ever let me sit, whatever. Peter

Poking me in belly and asking about my

Cherry, some Naropa sicko predicting


Mother death, a junkie trying to mail me

A soccer ball and allowance made me less

Nice to you, meaning not speaking, than


I should have been, but I was what, thirteen? 

So fuck it. Be looking for your star if the sky

Shows one anytime soon. Get me in for free. 

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Anne Carson

No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...