Monday, June 27, 2022

Keston Sutherland

File:Statues of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - Near Alexanderplatz - Eastern Berlin - Germany.jpg 


What that hill did that fucked you loves you. What this erupted gum rebates will love you very fucking much. Scour in the empty foothold every lift you make vacates on the easy right way up for light rescaled at length to fit the sky you scar for life again, where what cloud prodigal in distanced ice to be sprung upon that tarpaulin to surface in urethane lateral to discrepant now exfoliated canines up to the hill tossed out into that erotic cock did at last for you fucked you loves you, creosote umbilicus, licking for the first time, holding your ends between its teeth, ready to make a bow. Nothing more or less than all that he, she and who else they are unfolds us as for genitals too absolute for health to be that soluble to what death we still are in for comes in any case to level prior life upheld on flights of reactionary sex and fire veined with obsidian and elastic, abdominal origami loved to fuck the best it can, to hold your face in. Exit Mubarak from Tora airlifted in the unique flying hospital at the disposal of the Egyptian revolution that fucks you in and out of love too much, its sore cadaver stuck between your teeth like broken floss. You lie on my lap and [ bend down and lick your eternity shines in the map of my sky. The ultimate eruption in gum is at the same time primary dentition, give or take life. I have spoken so much shit in my life, good and bad, between the cracks of truth it never is, that it is grafted over, where I am put out to live. But without me there nothing could improve. What that two-way open communication will break down as a strategic hurdle present in hierarchical or bureaucratic organizations at the end of it all, it promotes trust in the day-to-day interactions between subordinates and supervisors more united with the mission in their mind, where there is mutual respect among all employees, regardless of official statuses, this is when what employees will not be afraid to do suggests ideas to improve the work processes, benefiting everyone in the return. How else the potential conceded in Freud for total organic erotogenesis down to the last rim or flap of cytoplasm and its limit to life is wiped out, whereas in the logic of asexuality at last almost free to be disgusted at the normal coercion to intercourse and coupling but panromantic holds you. Here are sixteen lost white hairs. What that did that fucks you loves you very much by fucking you and loving fucking you and fucking loving you at once. Nothing but what this may mean will come out of this, bothering not to appear except then. But with millions unemployed, you say it again: what that did that fucks you loves you very much by fucking you and loving fucking you and fucking loving you at once.

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Anne Carson

No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...