Sunday, July 24, 2022

Dick Gallup


Image 1 of 1 for Plumbing the Depths of Folly: Poems, Conundrums and Statements. Dick Gallup. Smithereens Press. 1983.


So gay on your lovely head 
The hat cradles the specialty 
Of the house brand new
And hedged with the flowers 
Of the past we have somehow 
Got through. If night
Should fold in on us
Here in the day dripping 
Down the fire-escapes toward 
The ground like poetry
In search of the common man 
In all things, smoky and
Vapid insight coming near 
To what I can't keep my eyes 
Off, the fragile jaws
Of antique life, a fretful 
Crowd of messages delivered 
Long ago in the pouring rain

Then night would find us 
As we are, bright lives 
Dancing in the somber light 
Of history, shiny pencils
At the edge of things.

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Anne Carson

No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...