Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Rod Smith

from An Overview

Politics said to Art:  Shut up fool

Art said to Politics: You are simple sand  only I can turn to glass.

Politics said to Art: No money for N.E.A., or n.e.body else either

Art said to Politics: 411 is a joke

Politics: call 911

Art: yer mean

Politics: yer me

Art: If the land is to un-refrie this lance of thoughts, close, closed, & come open, should when it can’t not kill like money is a pace inside that pitbull-portico, pusshead.

Politics: A replacing sterility seems to seep from your lapdog sincerity, poethead.

Art: Do you think about me when you’re at work?

Politics: Not even a little

Art: I’m ‘ona kick you

Politics: with what?

Art: a minimal axiomatic principle

Politics: ooooh doggie, fckrs gonna kick me with a axiomatic principle. a minimal one. oooh i’m scared now. huh huh. oooo what’ll i do. axiomatic principle. snort.

Art: wap

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Anne Carson

No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...