Sunday, January 15, 2023

H. L. Hix


Shall I set out even more details about my identity?
                                    (Amin Maalouf)

In sixth grade, my locker combination
was 27-13-23.
I’m on my third bike; the first two were stolen.
My front door and storage shed share one key.
The last movie I watched was The Island.
The last book I read was Silas Marner.
I use a paper planner, write longhand.
My ex-wife’s birthdate is still my pin number.
I used to play the Reti and the Pirc.
I used to think someday I’d climb K-2.
I used to think my chosen line of work
changed lives, mattered, had intrinsic value.
But then a lot of things about me were
true once, that aren’t true any longer

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Anne Carson

No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...