Monday, February 13, 2023

Martha Ronk

Woman in a Flowered Hat Artwork by Henri Matisse 


    Why Knowing Is (& Matisse's Woman With A Hat)

    Why knowing is a quality out of fashion and no one can decide to 
    but slips into it or ends up with a painting one has never 
    seen that quality of light before even before having seen it 
    in between pages of another book and not remembering who knows 
    or recognizing the questionable quality of light on her face 
    as she sits for a portrait and isn't allowed to move an inch 
    you recognize the red silk flower on her hat 
    and can almost place where you have seen that gray descending 
    through the light reversing foreground and background 
    as the directions escape one as the way you have to 
    live with anyone as she gets up finally from her chair 
    having written the whole of it in her head as the question 
    ignored for the hundredth time as a quality of knowing is 
    oddly resuscitated from a decade prior to this.

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    Anne Carson

    No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...