Monday, February 6, 2023

Philip Nikolayev

A Midsummer Night’s Stroll


I am a man.  I’ve lived alone.  I’ve been  in  love.  I’ve  played  with 
fire, cursed the telephone, and basked in verse, in verve, and also
Humid,     terrestrial,     mixed,     nongenderspecific,   have   occasionally
day’s  tumult  ushers  in   an   evening   with  a  lone    moved  a  woman’s
shut   icecream   stand,   false  promises  of  cone  heart,  although  I also,
and  scoop  near  Central  Park.   Juneific  famously,  had  such  an awk-
are   the   silhouettes  of   people  dreaming  by,  ward   start.  Amazed  at
lips,   lit   cigarette   tips,   thoughts  and  tulips  streaming  by  how  much
along   dimly   hospitable   park   lamps  toward  eleven  symmetry  a  life
with  an  occasional   rev   of   internal   combustion  can  still  support,  I
wafted   across   from   nearabouts.   stare  in  rapt  near-idiocy,  like  a
“What’s   this   you  are  talking  about,  Sarah?”   foreign   passport, and
you   hear  a  voice,  and   the  reply,  “I’m  sorry.   April’s   Persian  lilacs
but  what  was  I  supposed  to  do?”  Two   bats  all  bloom  straight  into
dash   through   a  silver  stretch  of  atmosphere.   my  face,  and  various
What   she   was  supposed  to  do   we  never  hear,   other   blossom, too,
depending on each case, while  you  are  softly  tangible, while  you 
are sweetly mine. We’re existentially  wise,  we’re  mortally divine.


All whispers  know  where  whispers  go  and  lusters  where  with 
lusters flow, and when your palm is in my palm, just as my poem 

There  is   a  sparkling   tone  to  how  you   speak,  is  in  your  poem,  look 
a   quickness   to   your   whisper,   an   implied   at   this   stellar,  cellular, 
correctness   in   your   ironies.   We   stride   organic   life   of   mine,   the 
along   emphatic   benches   in   the   weak   general  and  particular,  the 
light   bristling   eloquent   dark.  Pine,   elm  and  oak   gross  (as  well   as 
fall  silent  now  to  hear  you  tell  a  joke— fine)  intentions  I  epitomize. 
something  about  a  man  and  a   mandrake;   Look,  seeing  through  its 
I think  it  cute  and  laugh  like  Captain  Drake.  thin disguise the bleary 
We  then  explore  the  vagaries  of  light   sky  whose   weepy  eyes  have 
found  underfoot  by  lamps,  and  kiss.  “Beatrix,   rained   us  a  surprise. 
will    you   still   need   me  when   I’m   thirty-six?"    A    lightning    bolt’s 
You   favorably   mumble  that  you  might,    protruding  hand  snatched 
and  throw  a  willing  arm  around  my  nape.  past us,  far and brief and 
I reassure you that there’s no escape.  as  I  hold  you  in  my  arms,  you
fill me with belief. Don’t wonder if and how, much  stranger  than 
right now, the  hyacinth of  sorrow may blossom  forth tomorrow.


The  stars  in  liquid  decadence  reclaim  their  lost  positions, all 
knotty dispositions dissolved in limpid dance. They offer us their
Another   couple   floats  up  through  thickened  ink   stardom.   Oh,   we
into  the  field  of  vision,  to  redissolve   could  sympathize  with  them,
leaving  a  thin  trail  of   perfume  and  love   but   instead,  we   set  eyes
and   visual   recollection  in   the  pink.   with   them  upon  that  higher
Cicadas   cataract  from  tree  to  tree.  tsardom,  that  real  of  love  and
A mock  nightingale  trills,  then  two,  then  three.  reason.  Our  lengthy
We  cut   short  across  grass  and  leaves  (then  four),  cigarettes  crackle
encountering   no  one  on  our  slight  detour  with   dry  regrets  during
where,   negligibly   burdened   with  a   sixpack,  the  rainy   season,  but
a  master  and  his  bulldog  rustle  on,  we  ignore  their  humors, their
a   small   red   light   fixed   to   her   furry   back.  melancholy  murmurs,
We  are  too  busy  with  our  love  to  see  them.   decline   ascetic  rigors,
Tomorrow   we’ll   be   going   back   to  Boston.   welcome  straight  facts,
Three   cheers   for   Central   Park  at   height   of   season.   clear    figures,
where   laws  concerning  numbers  come  plumed  with  midnight 
sounds, and spirits  stir  from  slumbers  like  angels out of clouds.

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Anne Carson

No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...