Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Mary Ruefle



The world was designed and built

to overwhelm and astonish.

Which makes it hard to like.

Like, an American is someone

who thinks Jan Vermeer is from Vermont,

and a woman. I am a woman from Vermont.

Little less surprising than the copiousness

of transpiration, which is so inconsequential

I cannot live without it. Later I will look

for a nail paring on the floor,

as if a maid were coming tomorrow

(one always has to pick up first).

Right now I am writing

on the back of a bank statement.

My happiness is marred only

by my failure to attain it.

Otherwise it would astonish and overwhelm.

Quick, children, put on your robes,

we must all go downstairs to see something.

On this same night was Balthazar

murdered by his servants:

what the Russian soldier, quoting

Heine, scratched on the wall in the room

where the whole royal family was shot,

shot to fleshy pieces with many aims,

at least twenty of which left

explosive stars in the wallpaper.

Their greed and power astonished all.

Their death overwhelms us.

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Anne Carson

No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...