Monday, October 9, 2023

Clark Coolidge


Image 1 of 1 for Item #30227 Joglars # 1-3 (All Published). Clark Complete Sets - Coolidge, Michael Palmer, George, Kenneth Rexroth John Cage, Michael Palmer, Stan Brakhage, John Wieners, Gary Snyder, Bernadette Mayer, Ian Hamilton Finlay, John Furnival.

The Normal Is

She’s like talking to a plate of lemon ice
leads to nothing but sheared streets and Shetland sweaters
the eyes won’t track properly    there’s
something happening over there too    Jay Gatsby
hung on a pier    I’d rather go to Peru
get my heart broke in Cuzco for the elevation
as if I somehow just popped up    I knew it
raised a monster but didn’t turn out right
all you do is shove somebody    go away
screw your head on right reason for example
oodles of confusion and addled high times
usually parks her car on my dime    why
do you think of stripes here?    there’s no point
talking off the top of this nation of mistakes
whole hills of burlap and beaverboard plus other
tons of so far unlabeled whatever    all the shades of vitriol
witness to the fall of youth and its dumbass regularity
the worst part of growing up is the rest of your life

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Anne Carson

No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...