Thursday, December 28, 2023

Catherine Wagner

Nothing to Say & Saying It: Catherine Wagner - MY NEW JOB

A Rose for George

If you dont have any control over your life and being happy
If you dont have any control over your life and be happy
A family in the wall
Mouse avenue in kitchen
A piece of cake
Looms oozing
Men and women are signs of life
Children are signs of life
When they put the cap on the oil well
I thought my life pollutes
Reading lamp = coal burn
My failures to love
To be friend family
When are we given the right to control
Sixty-eight is a little bit of
Time in the world
To be more sentient
Kinder and “get up try again”
Body ow
I pretend if I were in New York
I could choose friends as I did in school
Fork into flesh of animal
Work all your life
Not hard enough! there are things undone
I was thinking you were my father
I wasnt here, then I was
Through you
Through an internal externalized
It bumps around the world
Tries not to be stupid
When Dad you grew up
Trying to intentionalize
Family back of you
George, young and into the continents
With problems
I already have what I desire
I just have it in the future
The structure of being is wanting
And like a fountain I suck up
My excesses
A little evaporates
One day its dry and drying
Means Im done
Oh whatever youll always be there no?
I can say when I die
“I was agent of clock”
They call it an alarm
I stopped having time to weed, friends
Started in dark
Light housed me
The TV is so loud I cant think
Im sorry I cant be in that room
Nobody has yelled at me for a long time
Thank you
You exist because your dad and mom
And you tried to go away
Continuity sweepstakes
Freed under the cap
Get up orderly   loving
Catherine Wagner, “A Rose for George” from Nervous Device, City Lights Spotlight No. 8. Copyright © 2012 by Catherine 

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Catherine Wagner

 A Box for Zachary

Gleam red lips eyes look

sat on your breakfast bar

speak thinking Cache please

Brilliant shadow Lincoln

Runs through populous rooms

Play secret throat language

Friday, December 15, 2023

Catherine Wagner


Air Envelope

A skylight stippled
Wet, scatted
With translucent brown maple seedwings

I'm under that

I wrote it as if it were a poem
And my handy margin
Would profit me.

The notebook margin
Lends to me
Its frugal axis, asking
Nothing, determinist
Of route, but blandly so.

"I didn't know."

Push forward
The bag of skin
Scaffolded animated
And house at the same time

The hinge we turn on
Wrap around night
Becomes day, same page
We're on it.

Catherine Wagner

Nervous Device - Wagner, Catherine

from Impersonal Lubricant

Live jellies have no brains,
float blindly

but they can fall asleep, can shed 
nerve toxins to defend the colony

and triggered by light
at dawn or dusk

their see-thru pump-domes
simulcast eggs and sperm

into tolerant solution.
Sexual jellies. Some jellyfish

invisible by day
do phosphoresce in darkness.

They could [be] hurt [you]
if you mined them

for the phosphorus
that burns the skin in war.

Catherine Wagner


Poverty, when defined by income.

Creates only one solution:
working for someone else. So

change the form of the for
for animals and problem-solving

plants. I have borrowed
for the inside of my life

the inside-out of
enslaved people and workers

who made the seen.
What are you going to do without your

underclass, where you going
to go, what are you

going to
do without your

If a nail is unison

entering into unison is violent.
Thus will I cheat

the rich out of my life.

Catherine Wagner

 The Divinity of Man

Roseation, spreading, yeastily beering up, the white soft legs and the golden hair.
The slits in the chest and the fur skirt. The mountain, the desert.
Sleep for a long time and a thrust of activity: log rolling, fall off a skyscraper,
phenomenologues, cigarettes, korn, seeding herpes lip to lip.
Why LSD in the seventies, why coke in the eighties,
why Ecstasy in the nineties, why Ritalin.
To bolster the wandering mind; to bolster the wandering heart;
to bolster the glamour; to glamour the wander.
The glamorous self and its story: no can do.

Anne Carson

No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...