Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Daniel Borzutsky


Lake Michigan, Scene 0

There are 7 of us in front of the mayor’s house asking questions about the boy they shot  22 times  

There are 7 of us in front of the mayor’s house screaming about how the videotape of  the shooting was covered up so the mayor could get reelected 

And a police officer says down there where they live there was a shooting you should  be protesting that shooting a 9-year-old boy was shot by a gangbanger why aren’t  you protesting that shooting why are you only protesting this shooting 

Another police officer wants to know why we are protesting this shooting when just  yesterday there was a drive-by shooting in Rogers Park and two innocent bystanders  were shot and one of them died 

We don’t answer instead we do a die-in in front of the mayor’s house and the camera  crews from the nightly news stand above us as we lay stiff and motionless on the cold  wet pavement  

They shot the boy 22 times  

They kept the video secret for a year and a few days after the video was released we took  to the streets and didn’t let anyone into the Disney Store 

We blocked the doors to Brooks Brothers 

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Anne Carson

No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...