Friday, July 14, 2023

Alice Notley

Do Not Judge A Man By His Action

The Descent Of Alette ['Presently']

'Presently' 'we neared a pale beach,' 'narrow' 'with trees behind it' 
'thick & blue-black,' '& lights' 'many lights' 'deep inside the' 
'wooded land' 'I touched bottom' '& walked ashore' 'Then I saw' 
'a final entity,' 'airy image, pass' 'out of my body—' 'from my 
forehead' 'A small shape,' 'perhaps brain-shaped,' 'that seemed to' 
'contain in miniature' 'the cave network' 'where I had been' 
'I saw the rooms—' 'the caverns—' 'streaked with color,' 'dotted with 
lights,' 'but all tiny' 'as in a honeycomb' 'The image' 'receded,' 
'gently floated' 'away' 'on the wind,' 'like a flower' 'a hibiscus—' 
'all reds & darks' '& yellow glow—' 'Or like a lantern,' 'paper 
lantern' 'Then was gone.' 'The others' 'other swimmers' 'had not 
walked ashore' 'with me' 'I turned to find them' 'I thought they 
must be' 'still floating' 'in the water' 'But they had vanished,' 
'I was alone' 'Myself &' 'alone' 'Yet emptied' 'of much, it seemed' 
'I felt unburdened' '& even buoyant'

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Anne Carson

No you cannot write about Me I think I should go in and see her. Can I stand it. She is shaking. No doubt. I should go in. She’ll be pouring...